Piggery Business Plan Pdf

Pork Processing Business Piggery Business Plan, Pig Farming Business Plan, Hog Production, Pork and Swine Production (Feeding Management, Breeding, Housing Management, Sausages, Bacon, Cooked Ham with Packaging). (99%) are small scale projects with 10 to 20 pigs and only 1 project (1%) is a large scale holding with over 200 sow units. It was estimated that Botswana s total pork and bacon consumption was 1496 tons annually. The industry employed 143 people (The Piggery Annual Report of 2006/2007). Pork Processing Business Piggery Business Plan, Pig Farming Business Plan, Hog Production, Pork and Swine Production (Feeding Management, Breeding, Housing Management, Sausages, Bacon, Cooked Ham with Packaging) www.entrepreneurindia.co Introduction Pig farming is the raising.

Business Plan Sample

  2. Piggery Farming Business Plan (PDF) In Nigeria – Sample Production Template Manual After five to seven months, pigs are likely to reach ideal market weight of more than 200 lbs. They could be sold at livestock auctions or slaughtered for meat. The pig industry is characterized by farms having 2 – 5 sows weaning 1-2 small litters yearly.
  3. Piggery Farming Business Plan (PDF) In Nigeria – Sample Production Template Manual After five to seven months, pigs are likely to reach ideal market weight of more than 200 lbs. They could be sold at livestock auctions or slaughtered for meat. The pig industry is characterized by farms having 2 – 5 sows weaning 1-2 small litters yearly.

Do you want to start a commercial piggery? Find here a detailed pig farming business plan sample checklist for your ready reference.

Starting piggery is a very much profitable livestock business. Among the various livestock species, piggery is the most potential source for meat production and pigs are more efficient feed converters after the broiler. The business ensures a higher return to the farmers. However, you must have some land area or backyard space for raising pigs. With less effort and investment, one can start a commercial piggery for profits.

In addition, the business is perfect for the women entrepreneurs also. cubic ubuntu for os x Also, you can gain knowledge and expertise from the Govt. animal husbandry departments. Some of the major pig farming countries are China, Russia, America, Brazil and West Germany.

Why Is Pig Farming Profitable?

Starting a piggery is a very profitable venture. Here we have compiled some of the major aspects.

  • First of all, pigs grow very fast than any other animals. Therefore, it takes less time to get mature pigs for the market.
  • They have higher feed conversion efficiency. Therefore, they have a great feed to meat converting ratio.
  • Food is not a bog concern for raising pigs. Pigs can eat and consume almost all types of feed including grains, damaged food, forage, fruits, vegetables, garbage, sugarcane etc.
  • Starting a piggery business is easy and it requires little capital/investment for building houses and buying equipment.
  • Pig meat is a tasty and nutritious food globally. And the demand for the meat is increasing very fast.
  • Apart from fresh meat, you can produce and export bacon, ham, lard, pork, sausages etc. to the foreign countries.
  • Pig fat also has a huge demand in poultry feed, paints, soap and chemical industries.
  • Finally, a pig farming business ensures good ROI (return on investment) ratio and break even.
  • Pig Farming Business Plan Checklist

    In starting the business, you must craft a business plan for your piggery. Your business plan must consist executive summary, business objective, market analysis, marketing plan, management and operational plan and financial plan. Making a business plan is as simple as writing an idea on paper. It involves writing about the different components in a manner that should persuade a bank or individual to
    invest in the business venture.

    How To Start Pig Farming

    According to your business plan, you must have two things ready in your hand. One is the space and the another is financial resources. First of all, you must select a land for setting up your pig farm. Additionally, you must have the arrangement to protect the farm from theft. Furthermore, the place must have the availability of some required resources. The list includes a clean water source, electricity, proximity to the markets, availability of the veterinary doctor in the area etc. Finally, check the transportation facility and labour availability at that particular space.

    Procure Productive Pig Breeds

    After setting up the farm, you have to procure pig breeds. Throughout the world, there are several pig breeds available in the market. However, you must select the commercially profitable breeds for your farm.

    The most common pig breeds for commercial pig production are the Yorkshire, Landrace, Hampshire, Duroc, and Tibetan, Tamworth and Meishan breeds and their crosses. These breeds produce lean meat combined with efficient feed conversion. Compared to local pig breeds, these commercial breeds are less resistant to diseases and suffer more from hot weather and low quality feeds.


    You can construct a pigsty cheaply by using locally available materials. It needs to be constructed according to climatic conditions and according to the pig production system. However, you must ensure good ventilation and ample shade, no overheating, no smells, no draft and no dampness. Additionally, you need to divide the pig building into different pens for each phase of the production cycle. The number and the size of the pens depend on the expected numbers of pigs to be housed in each production phase. Additionally, provide some outdoor space for roaming your pigs.

    Pig Feeds

    Pig feeding is an important aspect of commercial pig farming. Overall, animal health and growth ratio depend on the availability of nutritious food. The basic ingredients of pig feed are oat, grains, maize, wheat, rice, sorghum and other millets. However, you must add some protein supplements like oil cakes, fish meal and meat meal. Additionally, you can also use packed feed that comes with proper nutrition balance. A pig needs lots of fresh clean water, approximately 1.5-2 gallons of water daily over 6 months.


    Breeding process is simple. Generally, both male and female pigs become suitable for breeding within their 8 months of age. Within this time they reach about 100 to 120 kg. The heat period of female pig lengths for 2 to 3 days. The first day during the heat period of gilts is the best time to breed. And the second day is best for the sow. A sow becomes suitable for breeding again after 2 to 10 days of weaning. The gestation period of pigs is not more than 115 days. A sow can give birth of piglets twice a year and about 8 to 12 piglets each time.

    Care & Piggery Management

    Piggery Business Plan Pdf

    Mac os high sierra 10.13.0 download dmg. In this business, you have to take care of the animals in every stage of the life. However, caring is more crucial for the piglets and when the gilt is in gestation stage. Additionally, you have to keep your farm free from all the diseases and health problems. Therefore, proper vaccination de-worming are very important steps.

    Sick pigs generally have the following signs:

  • It may not eat or not show interest in feed /water
  • It may breathe rapidly indication of a fever
  • In white skin-colored pigs, the skin may become reddish.
  • It may have diarrhea which may sometimes be bloody or blood stained.
  • Droopy ears or ears pointing downwards.
  • Piggery Business Plan Template Pdf

  • Dull eyes.
  • Dull skin and hair.
  • Its tail will become limp.
  • Separates it self from the rest
  • Also Read: How To Start Small Scale Fish Farming Guide


    In starting a piggery, you must have a marketing plan. According to your farm size, you can plan for selling your mature pigs in good prices. Apart from the local slaughter house, the meat processing centers are the potential consumers. Additionally, you can contact the local restaurants and hotels that have large requirements throughout the year. Additionally, you can consider pig farming for organic meat production also.

    Article Courtesy: HTTP://99BUSINESSIDEAS.COM

    Pig farming business is a very profitable business, and many people are making money all over the world by starting a piggery business. However, to build a successful, sustainable pig farming business, you require sufficient knowledge of how to efficiently raise the pigs, good management skills, and a good piggery business plan. This article will outline how to start the piggery farming business, and the pig farming business plan – PDF, Word and Excel.

    Pig farming is a lucrative business, providing income for millions of people, but there are some essential things you need to do before you venture into the piggery business. You have to decide on the size of your pig farming business project i.e. the number of sows you want to keep; location of the pig farming business e.g. a piggery farm , and your target market. These choices will be affected by the amount of capital you have, and the size of your target market.

    If you do not have a lot of capital, you can always start small and grow your piggery business overtime, remember, Rome was not built in a day. You also need to carry out market research (Who are you going to sell the pigs/porkers to? At what price?) and write a piggery business plan before you venture into the pig farming business.

    What you need

    Land for Pig Farming Business

    To start your piggery business, you require a large enough area for erecting the necessary pig sty and other farm buildings. The pig farming project requires a gentle sloppy site with well-draining soils (e.g. loamy soils). This is essential as enables easy flow of effluence. You should locate your piggery farm at least 1 kilometre away from the rivers to avoid possible contamination of water from effluence. You should first asses if the land is suitable for operating a pig production business. It is advisable to locate the pig farming project nearer to good roads as that will help minimize costs and enable the farmer to have access to and from the piggery business project. Your pig farming business plan should take into account the cost of purchasing or renting the land.

    Housing for the Pigs

    You need good and efficient housing for your pigs. This will make management of the pigs easier and it reduces the mortality rate of the piglets. If you have proper housing at your pig farm, you can successfully rear 90% or more of all the live born piglets to market weight in the shortest possible time. Note that pigs at different stages of growth require different environments (temperatures) and different housings. Piglets require protection from very low temperatures to ensure that they grow to their maximum potential level.

    On the other hand, the growing and reproducing pigs must be protected against high temperatures. So you have to ensure that the piggery houses are built to protect the young and grown pigs against extreme temperature and bad weather conditions e.g. continuous rain and cold winds. Materials and equipment required for the construction of pig housing structures and buildings can be bought from hardwares and other shops which specialize in selling agricultural inputs. Your piggery business plan should take into account the construction costs for the housing of pigs.

    Breeding Pigs: Sows and Bows

    To start your pig farming business, you require breeding stock. The breeding stock you require are boars and sows. Boars are the male pigs which will service the sows, which are the female pigs. Ensure that you purchase a good breed of pigs. When you are buying the breeding stock, buy from farms which are known to produce good and healthy pigs. The growth potential of your piglets will depend on the nature and quality of the parent stock. Thus it is of great importance to buy a good pig breeding stock from reliable piggery farmers.

    You require 1 boar for every 15-20 sows. The number of soars which you buy for your pig farming business will depend on the scale of your piggery business. One sow gives birth to 9-11 piglets from one pregnancy. A sow can fall pregnant twice a year. The pregnancy of a pig lasts for 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days (114 days). The pig farming business plan should take into consideration the cost of buying the breeding stock.

    Feed for the Pigs

    You ought to correctly feed your pigs. The pigs must be given the correct type of feed as well as the correct amount of feed. This will ensure that the pigs reproduce efficiently, grow efficiently, utilize the feed efficiently, produce good quality meat, thus maximizing the profits of your pig farming business. If you fail to give the proper feed to pigs then you may miss the slaughter weight targets and the desired quality of the pork. This may lead to a loss in your pig farming business. Note that pigs require different types and amount of feed depending on which stage of growth they are at. Your pig farming business plan should take into account all the feed costs at different stage of growth of the pigs.

    Capital for a Piggery Farming Business

    Starting a pig farming business is capital intensive. The capital is required for constructing the pig housings, purchasing the breeding stock, purchasing stock feeds and other costs associated with running a pig farming business. The amount of capital you need for your pig farming business will depend on the size of your piggery farming project. Your piggery business plan should clearly outline the money required to start and operate a pig production business.

    Management And Labour for a Pig Farm

    The number of employees you require for your pig farming business will depend on the size of your piggery project. You will need pig keepers who will be responsible for feeding the pigs, cleaning and disinfecting the pig housings, washing the pigs and other duties. There may also be need for finance and marketing team, depending on the size of your pig production business. Your pig farming project proposal should take into account the salary costs for all the people you are going to employ.


    You can slaughter your pigs when they are between the ages of 4 months to 6 months. The exact age at which you slaughter your pigs depends on whether you want to sell your pigs as porkers or as baconers.

    The market for pork is very huge and is ever increasing. The annual global demand of pork is 11 million tonnes. That’s a lot! You can supply pork to abattoirs, local butcher shops, retailers, hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, wholesalers and individual consumers. Pork has to be sold whilst it’s still fresh, thus you should locate your pig farm close to your market. The pig production business plan ought to include a proper marketing plan to use in your piggery business.

    Pig Farming Project Proposal Pdf

    The export market for pork is also very huge! As you grow your pig farming business you will be able to export the pork to other countries. The largest importers of pork are Japan, Russia, Hong Kong, China, South Korea and Mexico.

    Pre-Written Pig Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel): Comprehensive Version, Short Funding/Bank Loan Version and Automated Financial Statements

    For an in-depth analysis of the pig farming business, we encourage you to purchase our well-researched and comprehensive piggery business plan. We introduced the business plans after discovering that many were venturing into the pig production business without enough knowledge and understanding of how to run the piggery business, how to keep the pigs, lack of understanding of the financial side of the business, lack of understanding of : the industry, the risks involved , costs and profitability of the business; which often leads to disastrous losses.

    The StartupBiz Global pig farming business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run your piggery business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. It will be easier to plan and budget as you will be aware of all the costs involved in setting up and running the pig farming business.

    Uses of the Pig Production Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

    The pig farming business plan can be used for many purposes including:

    • Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives
    • Applying for a bank loan
    • Start-up guide to launch your pig production business
    • As a piggery business proposal / pig farming project proposal
    • Assessing profitability of the piggery business
    • Finding a business partner
    • Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save
    • Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation

    Contents of the Piggery Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

    The pig farming business plan include, but not limited to:

    • Marketing Strategy
    • Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, payback period analysis, start-up costs, financial graphs, revenue and expenses, Bank Loan Amortization)
    • Risk Analysis
    • Industry Analysis
    • Market Analysis
    • SWOT & PEST Analysis
    • Operational Requirements (Including technical aspects of how to keep and rear the pigs, feed requirements etc)
    • Operational Strategy
    • Why some people in pig farming business fail, so that you can avoid their mistakes
    • Ways to raise capital to start your pig farming business

    The Pre-written piggery farming business plan package consist of 4 files

    1. Pig Farming Business Plan – PDF file (Comprehensive Version – 81 Pages)
    2. Pig Farming Business Plan – Editable Word File (Comprehensive Version – 81 Pages)
    3. Pig Farming Business Plan Funding/Bank Loan Version- Editable Word File (Short version for applying for a loan/funding – 42 pages)
    4. Pig Farming Business Plan Automated Financial Statements – (Editable Excel File)

    The business plan can be used in any country and can be easily edited. The financial statements are automated. This implies that you can change eg the number of pigs, selling price of the pigs etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change.

    Click below to download the Contents Page of the Pig Farming Business Plan (PDF)

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    The Pre-written business plan package (PDF, Word, and Excel) costs $30 only!

    If you want to purchase multiple business plans at once then click here: Business Plans Store.

    The business plan package is a zipped compressed file containing the PDF, Word and Excel documents. To open the package after downloading it, just right click, and select Extract All. If you have any problems in downloading and opening the files, email us on shop@startupbizglobal.com and we will assist you.

    We wish you the best in your Pig farming business! Check out our collection of business plans , and more business ideas.
