Jainism And Buddhism Ppt

The sixth century B.C. is considered a wonderful century in history. Great thinkers like Buddha, Mahavira, Heraclitus, Zoroaster, Confucius and Lao Tse lived and preached their ideas in this century.
  1. Jainism And Buddhism Ppt Beliefs
  2. Rise Of Jainism And Buddhism Ppt
Jainism And Buddhism Ppt

Jainism And Buddhism Ppt Beliefs

Title: buddhism and jainism 1 buddhism and jainism 2 causes for the rise of buddhism in the sixth centry b.c., the hindu society had lost its former glory and become impure.many kinds of abuses and superstitions had crept in to it. The for matities of sacrificial rites as well as their expensiveness proved onerous to. Buddhism is centered upon the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha, whereas Jainism is centered on the life and teachings of Mahavira. Buddhism is a polytheistic religion and it's main goal is to gain enlightenment. Jainism is also a polytheistic religion and it's goals are based on non-violence and liberation the soul. Buddhism Core beliefs I think that there are many similarities and differences between Jainism and Buddhism. However, I am going to focus on the differences and similarities in their core beliefs. Needed to fast and meditate; family, friends, and possessions are.

Jainism And Buddhism Ppt
  1. Rise of Buddhism/Jainism: Why?Religious unrest in India in the 6th century B.C. The complex rituals and sacrifices advocated in the Later Vedic period were not acceptable to the common people.The sacrificial ceremonies were also found to be too expensive.
  2. Buddhism and Jainism were inspired and rooted in the Indus Valley tradition and the Aryan tradition respectively. It was previously known that these religions started almost simultaneously, but latest research and excavation at Mohenjodaro and Harappa has shown that Jainism existed more than five thousands year ago (Antiquity of Jainism).

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The sixth century B.C. is considered a wonderful century in history. Great thinkers like Buddha, Mahavira, Heraclitus, Zoroaster, Confucius and Lao Tse lived and preached their ideas in this century. In India, the republican institutions were strong in the 6th century B.C. This enabled rise of heterodox sects against the orthodox religion dominated by rites and rituals. Among them the most successful were Jainism and Buddhism whose impact on the Indian society was remarkable.

Causes for the Rise of Jainism and Buddhism

The primary cause for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism was the religious unrest in India in the 6th century B.C. The complex rituals and sacrifices advocated in the Later Vedic period were not acceptable to the common people. The sacrificial ceremonies were also found to be too expensive. The superstitious beliefs and mantras confused the people. The teachings of Upanishads, an alternative to the system of sacrifices, were highly philosophical in nature and therefore not easily understood by all. Therefore, what was needed in the larger interests of the people was a simple, short and intelligible way to salvation for all people. Such religious teaching should also be in a language known to them. This need was fulfilled by the teachings of Buddha and Mahavira.

Other than the religious factor, social and economic factors also contributed to the rise of these two religions. The rigid caste system prevalent in India generated tensions in the society. Higher classes enjoyed certain privileges which were denied to the lower classes. Also, the Kshatriyas had resented the domination of the priestly class. It should also to be noted that both Buddha and Mahavira belonged to Kshatriya origin. The growth of trade led to the improvement in the economic conditions of the Vaisyas. As a result, they wanted to enhance their social status but the orthodox Varna system did not allow this. Therefore, they began to extend support to Buddhism and Jainism. It was this merchant class that extended the chief support to these new religions.

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Rise Of Jainism And Buddhism Ppt

Buddhism versus Jainism comparison chart
PracticesMeditation, the Eightfold Path; right view, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentrationFive vows of Truth, Non-violence, Non-stealing, Non-attachment, control over desires and senses. Greater emphasis on non-violence and truth. Also follow 3 jewels of Right Perception, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct
Place of originIndian subcontinentIndia.
Belief of GodThe idea of an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent creator is rejected by Buddhists. The Buddha himself refuted the theistic argument that the universe was created by a self-conscious, personal God.Jainism does not believe in a Creator God.
Use of statues and picturesCommon. Statues are used as meditation objects, and revered as they reflect the qualities of the Buddha.Common.
Life after deathRebirth is one of the central beliefs of Buddhism. We are in an endless cycle of birth, death and re-birth, which can only be broken by attaining nirvana. Attaining nirvana is the only way to escape suffering permanently.Until liberation is achieved, circle of rebirths and deaths continue due to Karma via incarnations in any life form on earth, as also heavenly and hellish life forms.
FounderThe Buddha (born as Prince Siddhartha)Rishabhdev- 1st Tirthankar in this era, Further revived by Vardhaman Mahavir- 24th and final Tirthankar of this era
ClergyThe Buddhist Sangha, composed of bhikkhus (male monks) and bhikkhunis (female nuns). The sangha is supported by lay Buddhists.Monks, nuns.
Literal MeaningBuddhists are those who follow the teachings of the Buddha.To become a Jina (liberated soul) by following the teachings of 24 Tirthankars (ford-makers/teachers)
Human NatureIgnorance, as all sentient beings. In the Buddhist texts, it is seen that when Gautama, after his awakening, was asked whether he was a normal human being, he replied, 'No'.Human suffering is due to negative effects of bad karma and excessive attachment to material aspects of world.
View of the BuddhaThe highest teacher and the founder of Buddhism, the all-transcending sage.Buddha is considered as contemporary of Mahavir
Place of worshipBuddhist monasteries, temples, shrines.Temple
Original Language(s)Pali(Theravada tradition) and Sanskrit(Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition)Ancient texts were written in various languages, predominantly in Magadhi, language prevalent at time of Mahavir and Buddha.
Means of salvationReaching Enlightenment or Nirvana, following the Noble Eightfold Path.Goal is to unshackle the soul from bondages of karma which results in misery due to many rebirths and deaths. Once soul is freed from these bondages, it achieves Nirvana and becomes perfect soul free from all attachments, in an eternal blissful state
View of other Dharmic religionsSince the word Dharma means doctrine, law, way, teaching, or discipline, other Dharmas are rejected.Comradeship with other Dharmic religions.
Goal of religionTo attain enlightenment and be released from the cycle of rebirth and death, thus attaining Nirvana.To gain liberation and be released from cycle of rebirths, adopt a path of non-violence towards all living beings.
Status of womenNo distinctions between men and women. Women are equal to men, and men are equal to women in the Sangha. The Buddha gave Men and Women equal rights and a major part in the Sangha.Women can become nuns.
Holy days/Official HolidaysVesak day in which the birth, the awakening, and the parinirvana of the Buddha is celebrated.Paryushan festival
ScripturesTripitaka - a vast canon composed of 3 sections: the Discourses, the Discipline and the Commentaries, and some early scriptures, such as the Gandhara texts.Religious scriptures called Agamas. Many other canonical texts.
MarriageIt is not a religious duty to marry. Monks and nuns do not marry and are celibate. Advice in the Discourses on how to maintain a happy and harmonious marriage.Marriage is a social convention and not linked to religion. But followers must strictly follow monogamy. Monks, though have renounced material world, hence strictly follow celibacy.
PrincipleThis life is suffering, and the only way to escape from this suffering is to dispel one's cravings and ignorance by realizing the Four Noble Truths and practicing the Eightfold Path.Respect all living things. Attain liberation by avoiding and shedding of bad karma which is the cause of rebirths and all sufferings. Five vows and three jewels.
Time of origin2,500 years ago, circa 563 B.C.E. (Before Common Era)Very ancient. One of the oldest religions as origin of 1st Tirthankar is too ancient and obscure. Mahavir (24th Tirthankar) born in 599 B.C.E.
Can atheists partake in this religion's practices?Yes.Yes
Population500-600 million50-60 million
Views on Other ReligionsBeing a practical philosophy, Buddhism is neutral against other religions.Belief in pluralism and respect other religious view points and try to accomodate them.
Religion which atheists may still be adherents ofYes.Yes. Jains do not believe in the idea of a Creator God. The laws revolve around Karma. Good Karma lead to spiritual elevation and bad Karma and bad deeds to decline.
Goal of PhilosophyTo eliminate mental suffering.Jainism is a way of life, adhere to teachings of Tirthankars, respect all life forms and end goal is to achieve Nirvana.
Authority of Dalai LamaDalai Lamas are tulkus of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. They are cultural figures and are independent of the doctrinal basis of Buddhism.N/A.
Concept of Deityn/a. According to some interpretations, there are beings in heaven realms but they are also bound by 'samsara'. They may have less suffering but have not yet achieved salvation (nibbana)Numerous deities known as Tirthenkaras. But Jains do not worship them in literal sense of idol worship to ask favors. Rather, these Tirthankars are venerated as ideal Men and teachers whose teachings should be followed.
SymbolsThe conch, endless knot, fish, lotus, parasol, vase, dharmachakra (Wheel of Dharma), and victory banner.Swastika(used it long before it became a symbol for antisemitism).
Geographical distribution and predominance(Majority or strong influence) Mainly in Thailand, Cambodia, Sri lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Japan, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Other small minorities exist in other countries.Mainly in India, lower Asian subcontinent throughout, and America. Small groups exist in most countries.
Place and Time of originThe origin of Buddhism points to one man, Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, who was born in Lumbini (in present-day Nepal). He became enlightened at Bodhgaya, India and delivered his first set of teachings at a deer park in Sarnath, India.Unending and un-beginning..it has always existed and will continue to do so. Revived in every time cycle. Very ancient, origin obscure dating many millenia
Confessing sinsSin is not a Buddhist concept.Sin is defined as harm to another.
What They BelieveThe principle of equality: that all living entities are equalThe teachings of the Buddha come from Mahavira. Therefore, are similar.
Teachings about General ConductAbstain from evil, strive for nirvana, constantly cleanse the mind.All actions must strive to be non-violent.
ClothingBhikkhus (monks) and bhikkhunis (nuns) are supposed to wear the Buddhist robe. There is no such rule for lay followers.One of two of the predominant sects wears white clothes. The other predominant sect is unclothed.
Animal RightsThe Buddha taught that animals have equal rights as humans. They are still bound in samsara, and suffer as humans do. Although he urged vegetarianism, he didn't restrict monks from eating meat when it was offered.As eating the flesh of another is considered harm, it is strictly forbidden.
Moral ObligationsThe Buddha taught that karma is the reason that we exist. According to the teaching, all our actions of body, speech and mind, will yield results, either in this state of existence, or in a later one.The teachings of the Buddha come from Mahavira. Therefore, are similar.
Sexual ConductThe Buddha taught that a lay follower should subdue sexual misconduct, which includes consciously cheating on one's spouse, sexual intercourse with another's wife or husband, a minor, or an animal. Monks and nuns are celibate.The concepts from the Buddha come from Mahavira. Therefore, are similar.
Compatibility with ScienceAside from the concepts of karma and rebirth, Buddhism is said to be compatible with many scientific findings. Most Buddhist practices can also be labeled as cognitive science.The teachings of the Buddha come from Mahavira. Therefore, are similar.
HomosexualityThe Buddha accepted both homosexuals and asexuals into the Sangha. In the Buddhist understanding, it is a natural phenomenon, and not different than heterosexualiy.Does not accept sexual activity as necessary for anything other than reproduction. Therefore, it is not acceptable.
Sources of TeachingsSiddhartha Gautama (The Buddha), and later masters, such as Nagarjuna, Bodhidharma, and Dogen.All 24 tirthankars of this time cycle.
Offshoot SectsNone. Although Buddhism is divided into many sects in itself. Mahayana and Vajrayana are the two big yanas, while Theravada is closer to earlier Buddhism.Svetambara and Digambara. There are many offshooting sects.